Hervey Bay Renovations

Are you frustrated because you can’t find a builder who is interested in your Extension or the Renovation you need because your familys needs have changed

Many builders are only interested in the ‘New Home’ and don’t want to be bothered with ‘fiddly’ and ‘small’ jobs.  Well look no further –

Hervey Bay Renovations is your answer

  • Fully Licenced and Qualified Tradespersons
  • Alterations, Renovations, Extensions
  • We will work with you to implement a building solution
  • We will come in within your budget

So Don’t Hesitate – Call Brad Hampson NOW……

on    (07) 4125 7503  

or complete our contact form…..

Our Service Area – Hervey Bay, Maryborough and Wide Bay

QBCC #15066509 – Medium-rise Builder
CNQ12B – Licensed Residential Building Inspector